Journey of discovery

It was present surprises on many of the points which colour, fabrics or styles I can wear. Although I have not been comfortable of my body shape quite a long time and keep on avoiding bright colour, sessions with Jeann revealed wearing bright colour works for me and received very positive feedback from friends. I am willing to change based on what I learned and colour palette is always with me whenever I go shopping. I am planning to buy “purple” colour clothes which I have never worn in my life. ? This journey promoted me more positive, more happy and triggered another weight management plan.

Thank you Jeann for introducing delightful discovery!

1 thought on “Journey of discovery”

  1. Thank you Satoko for giving me the opportunity to make a difference in your wardrobe! When I saw you dressed in the colours that we discovered for you, I was so excited for you! Because I know nothing is going to hold you back to push yourself further to where you want to be. Congrats for taking the bold step to embrace the new colors in your life!

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