Colors, A Stepping Stone to Success

” Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions.”

– Pablo Picasso

Dress to the mood is probably the top daily guideline for most of us. When the thought of Monday falls in, colors of blue, black, grey flood our minds.

We convinced ourselves to dress to the Monday blues. And when Friday hits, colors of our mood changes, we feel light and we choose to wear colors that make us feel good. As Pablo Picasso has rightly put it, ” Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions.” As much we love to express our moods, when striving for a successful job interview we ought to keep our emotions in check.

Color triggers memory more readily than your name. After a series of auditions for a casting role, directors or producers will frequently say, “You know I really like the girl in the purple jacket,” or “Remember that guy with the red vest?” The color you choose to wear to an interview can have a lasting impression and psychological impact on the interviewer.


When choosing your colors, be thoughtful on who you are going to meet and what message you want to convey. If you are talking to the creative directors in a designer firm, a fine style with a palette of colors would be fine. But if you are meeting the CEO or the head of a legal department, you would want to tone it down with colors such as black, brown or navy. The key here is to show yourself as someone who fits into the organization. Strutting through that interview door might bring cold feet to some of us and the last thing we ever want to show is how nervous we are! Yes! Confidence is the key! When we are confident of our authentic self, we would be comfortable in any given situation, because we are being ourselves. The question I like to ask my clients is “What would you choose to wear when you feel good and most comfortable?” This very expression of our authentic self is what gives us confidence.

In this very competitive job market, give yourself every opportunity to shine in the interview. Knowing what job interview clothes to wear makes a statement about who you are. Choosing the right colors will reinforce that positive impression. A stepping stone to success.


Colors Decode

black-interview blue-interview Green-interview grey-interview purple-interview red-interview white-interview Yellow-interview

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If you would like to breakthrough from your current style and step into your True Style Personality, drop me a chat ( or simply download my FREE resource “Look Stylish for Less“.

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