Group Colour Analysis


Have a fun, discovery session with your friends as you learn about what colours are great for you and what to avoid.

Group colour analysis is an in-person consultation service. A minimum of 3 pax (and up to 5 pax) is required to form the group.

SKU: N/A Category:

Have you ever pulled items out of your wardrobe only to find you have nothing to wear with them? Is it because the colours don’t work together? What do the colours you wear say about you? Is it in line with the image and impression you want to project?

Wearing the right or wrong colours can be the difference between looking like you need a sick day or like you’ve just returned from holiday. In this group session, we’ll have a time of fun discovering the colours that flatter you and help you avoid mistakes that end up languishing in your wardrobe, unloved and unworn. Plus, we’ll give you the tools to shop with confidence and build a wardrobe full of pieces that mix and match to create great outfits for every occasion.


How It Works

We will have a group consultation session to discuss how to wear colours and use of your colour palette to mix and match your outfits. We’ll use colour drapes to assess the best colour palette for you individually and customize it if necessary (some of you are very unique and we understand that). For ladies, you get to discover the best lipstick colour for you with our lipstick swatch! The group session is 3 hours.

Group colour analysis is an in-person consultation service. A minimum of 3 pax (and up to 5 pax) is required to form the group.

Sign up in the link provided for the group consultation and we will get in touch with you on meeting details.


You’ll Receive

  • A digital colour swatch with your best colours.
  • An assessment report of your colour analysis.
  • Makeup colour advisory for ladies.
  • Personalized advice as well as tips and tools to start you on the next phase of your style journey.


Who Is Group Color Analysis For?

  • A fun, bonding activity with family and friends.
  • You love to have an intimate colour anlaysis session with your closest ones.
  • You desire to solve 50% of your wardrobe woes.
  • You need clarity on what the colours are saying about you, and what you can do about it.


Book your seat now!

Number of pax

3, 4, 5

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